当前位置:首页 > 彩票视频直播下载软件 > > 生物&化学试剂 > RC152001RapiClear 1.52,10ml
品牌 | 其他品牌 | 供货周期 | 现货 |
应用领域 | 医疗卫生,生物产业 |
产品名称:RapiClear 1.52,10ml
品牌:SUN Jin Lab
RapiClear 1.52,10ml产品基本介绍:
RapiClear® is a water-soluble clearing reagent that can make biological tissues transparent swiftly and easily. It can vastly enhance the visualization depth of specimen labelled with fluorescent dyes to micrometers, even millimeters. RapiClear® can be widely applied in cell morphology observation of tissues from animal, plant, and insect, as well as in portraying biomaterial scaffolds such as collagen and cellulose. The application of RapiClear® makes construction of detailed 3D images possible.
Sunjin Lab是专业化的组织透明处理试剂生产商。经RapiClear处理的器官组织,可观察深度达5mm厚度,美的呈现组织中内部的立体结构。在显微技术 上的所有新突破都是为了让我们看得更加深入,更如清晰, 深入到单个细胞水平,深入到脑部组织和骨髓。当然,在观察您的目的细胞时,如果没有其它组织阻碍您的视线的话,那么此过程将会变得更加简单, 更加清晰。诺为生物代理的Sunjin Lab透明试剂一Rapiclear组织透明试剂即可完成这一使命。