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品牌 | 其他品牌 | 供货周期 | 现货 |
应用领域 | 医疗卫生,生物产业 |
产品名称:Fluorescein biotin
品牌:AAT Bioquest
Fluorescein biotin产品基本介绍:
CAS 134759-22-1 | Molecular weight 831.01 | Correction Factor (260 nm) 0.32 | Correction Factor (280 nm) 0.275 | Extinction coefficient (cm -1 M -1) 800001 | Excitation (nm) 498 | Emission (nm) 517 | Quantum yield 0.79001, 0.952 |
This bifunctional biotin derivative is used for spectrophotometric determination of biotinylation degree. The assay is based on the kinetic analysis of the enhancement of fluorescence of streptavidin/fluorescein biotin complexes in the presence of biotin. The fluorescence enhancement of fluorescein biotin is proportional to the concentration of biotin. Because the assay is amenable for use in small volumes of 5-50 uL or bead-based assays, the detection limits can be extended to the femtomole range. The dynamic aspects allow the assay to be extended to a broader range of applications including its use as an indicator of reagent mixing in laminar-flow assays carried out in microfluidic devices.
美国AAT Bioquest Inc.(前身是ABD Bioquest,Inc.)是一家为从事生命科学研究、诊断研发及药物开发的科学家研发、生产和销售生物分析研究试剂和试剂盒的公司。公司致力于光谱学检测领域,包括吸收(颜色),荧光和发光技术。AAT Bioquest的产品帮助的科学家和生物医药研究者更好的了解生物化学,免疫学,细胞生物学和分子生物学等领域。AAT Bioquest会不断介绍新产品,快速的丰富各个领域的产品。